What Is an SSL Certificate ?

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is an acronym for Secure Sockets Layer. The data on a website is secured by an SSL certificate. It establishes a secure connection between the website visitor and the data on the website.

SSL is an encryption technology that encrypts all data, resulting in a secure connection for the customer. Hackers won't be able to steal sensitive information from the website because of this encryption technology.

Why Your  Website needs SSL Certificate?

There are three major reasons why you should use an SSL Certificate on your website.

Using an SSL Certificate will encrypt data between a users browser and your web server and vice versa.
The information sent between a web server and browser goes through many different devices such as routers, switches, proxy servers etc. and if any of these devices have been hacked then your information could be copied and read. 

By using an SSL certificate you enable the encryption of the data and this means that no one can see the information if they intercept it en-route.

 If your website visitors see that padlock in the browser address bar it shows them your site is           using encrypted data.

For sites like E-Commerce sites where financial transactions occur this is a way to show your users that you care about their security and privacy.

Even for blogs, having an SSL Certificate and therefore showing the padlock in browsers reassures visitors that you are ‘security aware’ and that just helps them trust you.
There is a technical thing called HTTP/2 which is an improved way for browsers and web servers to talk to each other.

If your website is configured to take advantage of HTTP/2 it can help make your website faster.

Normally when a browser shows a webpage it has to ask the web server for the HTML, this is what you see when you right click and choose view page source. Then for every image, style sheet and script the web page uses the browser has to ask the web server for each one individually.

All of these individual requests for things you see on a web page take time. HTTP/2 allows a website to send everything to the browser in go so speeds things up.

For HTTP/2 to work both the web server and the website need to be configured to use HTTP/2 for there to be any speed increase.

Types Of SSL Certificates?

SSL Certificates can be classified based on the applications and requirements of the user & website admin. Here I’ve listed the types of SSL in details, read it carefully and get the best one for the security of your website.

Classification of SSL Certificate

1. Wildcard SSL Certificates: Its secures your website along with the unlimited number of first level sub-domains. A user can get a wildcard SSL with Domain and Organization Validation.

Top Wildcard SSL Certificates

  • Comodo Positive SSL Wildcard
    • Comodo Essential SSL wildcard
    • Rapid SSL Wildcard
    • Thawte Wildcard
    • GeoTrust True BusinessID
    • Symantec Secure Site Wildcard

2. Multi-Domain (SAN) SSL Certificate: A single MDC SL certificate can protect up to 250 multiple fully qualified domains. It is available with DV, OV and EV validation options.

Multi Domain SSL Certificates are also known as Unified Communications or UCC SSL Certificates.

UCC SSL Certificates are widely used and recommended to secure multiple domains on Microsoft Exchange Server and Microsoft Office Communication Server.

Top Multi Domain SSL Certificate (UCC SSL Certificates)

  • Comodo Positive SSL Multi Domain
  • Comodo Multi Domain SSL
  • Comodo UCC SSL Certificate
  • Comodo Domain Validated Unified Communications SSL
  • Thawte Web Sever SSL
  • GeoTrust True BusinessID Multi Domain SSL

3. EV SSL Certificate: It validated business, display Green Address Bar and Business name in URL. EV is industries highly recognized and encrypted SSL certificate.

Top EV SSL Certificate

Comodo EV SSL Certificate
  • Comodo EV Multi Domain
  • GeoTrust True BusinessID Multi Domain SSL
  • Thawte Web Server EV SSL
  • Symantec Secure Site Pro EV SSL

4. Domain validated SSL: Recommended to secure medium or low-level websites where less amount of security is required.

Top DV SSL Certificate

  • Comodo Positive SSL Certificate
  • Comodo Essential SSL Certificate
  • Rapid SSL Certificate
  • Thawte SSL 123 Certificate
  • GeoTrust Quick SSL Premium SSL

5. Organization Validation SSL: Used to validated online business and to ensure customer’s that they are accessing a genuine and legitimate business.

Top OV SSL Certificate

  • Comodo Instant SSL Certificate
  • Comodo Instant SSL Pro
  • Comodo Instant SSL Premium
  • GeoTrust True Business ID SSL

6. Code Signing Certificate: To Secure Code/script of Software, Application & files & to display author’s real identity.

Top Code Signing Certificate

  • Comodo Code Signing
  • Thawte Code Signing
  • Symantec Code Signing

7. Multi Domain Wildcard SSL Certificates

What if you want to secure your multiple domains and their all sub-domains under a single certificate? you will say it is not possible. Buy no it is possible. A Multi Domain SSL Certificate will work it out.

A Multi Domain Wildcard SSL Certificate can secure multiple domains up to 250 and their unlimited number of sub-domains on multiple servers.

Hence, a single SSL Certificate works better for every security solution.

Top MDC Wildcard SSL Certs are

Comodo Positive SSL Multi Domain Wildcard
  • Comodo UCC SSL Wildcard Certificate
  • Thawte Multi Domain Wildcard SSL
  • GeoTrust Multi Domain Wildcard SSL
What is the importance of an SSL certificate in SEO?
● A SSL declaration on your site is important. It shows guests that your site is confirmed and that it's sheltered from programmers. It additionally improves your SEO rankings.

● This helps the visitors of your site to have a confidence of making payment through your site as the SSL certificate ensures that your site has been encrypted in a way that helps to prevent your  site getting hacked by the hackers.

● SSL certificate is one of the must needed thing, as now a days cyber-crime is being a great threat for the website developers. This certificate can be a preventive at maximum places because of its encryption. 

● Many hosting companies offers this certificate for free, you can check and make it live on your site.

● This guarantees that information between your web worker and program stays private and secure. At the point when a SSL testament is introduced on a web worker, it works as a latch and goes about as a protected association between the web worker and program.

● A SSL testament ties together your area name, organization name and area.

● While how a SSL authentication functions goes into more subtitles including a public key and a private key, what you have to know here is, even if a programmer figures out how to capture your information, he won't have the private key to unscramble it.


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